Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog Post #1

It's always a process choosing a book. I was told to pick out a book, any book, for an independent reading assignment. Now, our library isn't huge, but still, finding a good book without any guidelines or structure is like looking for a needle in a haystack. I wandered around the library reading room, picking up a book here and there if i saw a title or cover that caught my attention. Many of my fellow classmates had already chosen a book after awhile, but a few stragglers and I remained, undecided. I finally picked up a book with a cover that had a key that shimmered when light reflected off of it. The name of the book by Catherine Fisher was also different, it was a single word:
Incarceron. It had a nice ring to it. I read the inside cover and I was intrigued by what I had read. It is a fantasy book, one of my favorite genres. Next to where I grabbed the book from, was the book's sequel Sapphique. Apparently the first book was popular enough to warrant a sequel. I was sold. I signed out the book. Two days later, here I am, writing my first ever blog post.

I'm already deep into the book, and enjoying the story.

Apparently you can judge a book by its cover.

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